In order to provide the safest environment and limit the number of individuals at the school, the use of the building will be limited to faculty, staff, and students. Parents will not have daily access to the school building unless requested by the administration to pick up an ill student. Contractors, parents, and other visitors must be accompanied by a staff member and follow these guidelines:

  • All guests and visitors should remain at home and not visit the school if they exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19. Per the CDC, symptoms include cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever (temp > 100°F), chills, muscle pain, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell.
  • A staff member is responsible to screen any visitor by asking if they have any symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath or other COVID-19 related symptoms.
  • All visits should be planned in advance and only as needed for operations.
  • Visitors are required to wear face masks while in the school building.
  • Work days will be restricted to 10 individuals for indoor projects and 15 individuals for outdoor projects.
  • Visitors are permitted to use the restroom.